MidNite Walkers Paranormal Research Society

MidNite Walkers Paranormal Research Society

Midnite-Walkers, exists to both prove and disprove the existence of all things supernatural. Our ongoing mission is to find people with open minds who share this endeavor and hence shed light on the possible, probable, improbable, and impossible. We seek the truth burried deep in the worlds many mythos and superstitions, we tread where the mind and body dare not wander, we live to find the connections between all of the half truths to find where the whole truths lay stagnant.

MidNite Walkers are in no way experts nor professional's, we are just a team made up of average people with a passion for the paranormal.

MidNite Walkers keeps all information and inquires confidental, unless you state other wise.

MidNite Walkers is Not-For-Profit, all assistance and membership is free.

All articles and experiments are property of MidNite Walkers Paranormal Research Society, If you would like to use an article, experiment for your website or for personal use, we will give you permission, if you ask.

If your wanting to start your own Paranormal Team, we will help you with Documents such as Investigation inspection, Release Forms, all your Document needs for running your own Paranormal Team. We are also here to give advice, email us or post your questions on the forums. We are here to help.

MidNite Walkers aren't here to Judge you, no matter how you approach an investigation, we are here to help the best we can.

MidNite Walkers Paranormal Research Society does not do any media.You won't find MidNite Walkers in your paper, on the radio or Tv. So if you like what you see on this site, tell all your friends.

MidNite Walkers Paranormal Research Society base investigations out of Central Minnesota, St. Cloud, Alexandria, Sauk Centre area's, Southern Missouri West Plains, Koshkonong, Thayer area's and Tennessee.

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